Ann's English

2021 年 8 月 18 日

28094 次收聽

2-5 (下): What is your biggest weakness? 你最大的弱點是什麼?

時間 12:44



00:13 好,話不多說,我們馬上進入 What is your biggest weakness 的第二種回答方式,這種模板呢,主要是在呈現「自己已經改善到一定程度的弱點」。


這種模板的內容通常會直接用現在完成式來呈現,去訴說從過去到現在,你做了哪些事情去改善你的缺點,然後去強調改變前後的差異,那這個改變就盡量要能夠以數據化呈現,不過呢,也還是要強調說,你仍然有在這方面繼續努力,不太建議你講得好像這個弱點已經不是個弱點了,因為題目問你的是 “What is” 而不是 “What was” your weakness。

接下來這個例子呢,是來自一個要應徵 行銷內容企劃 的範例。在聽的時候,請一樣幫我注意這位面試者「是如何點出自己的弱點」還有「他是如何做結尾」。

01:19 In situations where [a lot of deadlines are approaching at once], I have tended / tend to [put my focus on the overall performance and appearance of a project and might sometimes leave out some details like a typo], which has (made me appear) [a bit careless at times]. As a result, I’ve learned to be conscious about this fact and I have been [using tools like Grammarly to avoid any typo. And I also started to keep a work journal to better manage my work schedule. This has allowed me to double check each project before finalizing them]. So now, I rarely [overlook details just because I’m running out of time], and this has resulted in [an improvement of customer conversion rate by 7% in the last season]. But of course, I am still working on this issue and trying to [lower my error rate to 0% in the work I do].

02:17 相較於前一個模板,這是比較不帶情感的回答,內容比較著重在數據上,你可以依據這個公司的風格去選擇是要講前面那種比較有故事性、帶感情的回答,還是這種比較正規嚴肅一點的。


02:58 這點很重要,這位面試者是說 In situations where [a lot of deadlines are approaching at once], I have tended to [put my focus on the overall performance and appearance of a project and might sometimes leave out some details like a typo], which has (made me appear) [a bit careless at times]. 他沒有直接說 I am careless. 而是先給出一個「明確的場景」來敘述「我是只有在很多 deadlines 一次逼近的時候才會顯得比較粗心一點」。

因為如果直接說 I am careless. 那聽起來就是一個 personality trait,感覺就是一個可能沒辦法被改善的東西。而你選擇的弱點,盡量都要是 fixable 可以被改善的。所以,我們可以用 In situations where … 來帶出一個特定的場景。

03:56 再來,你要表現得像「在這個場景裡面,也不是『一定』會這樣」,所以你可以用 I have tended / tend to do something ,來弱化語氣,說我有這樣子的「傾向」。然後再用「描述實際情況」的方式來敘述你的弱點,像是 I have tended to [put my focus on the overall performance and appearance of a project and might sometimes leave out some details like a typo]. 然後呢,才點出「弱點本人的名字」說 which has made me appear [a bit careless at times]. 也就是「這樣的現象呢讓我有時候會被認為是一個有點粗心的人。」所以這邊用了很多詞來緩和弱點的表達。

04:51 接下來,就是講述你是有認知到這樣的行為或反應是不好的,並且做了哪些事情來改善這個弱點,所以會說 As a result, I’ve learned to be conscious about this fact and I have been doing something to change that. 「你做了哪些事情來改善你的弱點」要講得越精確越好。然後,就直接了當地說出你這個弱點已經改善很多了,而這樣的進步替公司或自己帶來什麼樣的成長。

05:26 所以會說 So now, I barely [make which mistake], and this has resulted in [what kind of improvements]. 最後呢,還是要表明「我知道這樣還不夠好,我仍然在嘗試進步」然後可能說一下自己的目標是什麼。那像模板的範例,這段就會是 But of course, I am still working on this issue and trying to [lower my error rate to 0% in the work I do]. 所以他的目標是讓他負責的所有工作錯誤率都降到 0%。

QA 模板二

06:07 In situations where [ 描述特定情況 ], I have tended / tend to [ 描述你的弱點行為舉止 ], which has made me appear [ 弱點本人 (形容詞) ]. As a result, I’ve learned to be conscious about this fact and I have been [ 做出什麼改變 (Ving) ]. So now, I barely [ 弱點行為舉止 (動詞) ], and this has resulted in [ 實質改變的結果 (數據化呈現) ]. But of course, I am still working on this issue and trying to [ 最終改善目標 ].


07:06 OKAY! So, this is how you answer this question! 掌握三個原則:

  • 第一,A weakness is not a strength in disguise. 誠實回答,用實際的案例闡述弱點。
  • 第二,嚴肅看待這個問題,掌握答案的關聯性,這不是展現幽默感的時候。
  • 第三,Your weakness has to be fixable. 要選擇能夠被改善的弱點,所以盡量不要講你的「個性」怎麼樣,最好要用「你在某些特定情況下,會做出什麼特定的表現」這個方式去做說明。



08:00 假如你要說你的弱點是「說話太直接」,那你可能可以這樣發揮:In situations where my colleagues ask for my feedback, I have tended to speak too directly sometimes and it has hurt a few colleagues’ feelings. However, I have been trying to learn how to provide people with constructive feedback in a friendly way, and I recently came across the theory of “the Sandwich method”. So, I have been trying to apply the concept to my work and a few of my colleagues have actually told me that they've noticed the change in the way I talk to them, and that they appreciated it. So, this is something that I’ve been working on, but of course, I’m always open to any suggestions on how to give advice and communicate with people at work.

08:52 應該有聽出來,這個回答,就是把兩個模板放在一起講。當然模板這種東西就是要能夠活用。只要接得順、符合邏輯就 OK.

所以這段回答呢,他先說「在某個特定狀況下」他會有什麼樣不太好的行為舉止。然後就點出「他知道這樣不好,所以有在做什麼事情去改善這個弱點」,這邊甚至明確地點出他使用的方法的名字哦,他說 I recently came across the theory of “the Sandwich method”. So, I have been trying to apply the concept to my work. 他嘗試應用在職場回饋上的方法是「the Sandwich method 三明治回饋法」,你看,這樣講得出名字,面試官就會覺得「你是真的有這個問題,而且真的有去尋找解決辦法」,很真誠啊。最後就是拿回話語主導權,說「如果您對給予回饋的方法跟職場溝通有任何相關的建議,我都洗耳恭聽。」表現出你的謙遜和積極。

3 個可以參考發想的弱點

那現在,我們再來看另外 3 個你也可以參考去做發想的弱點:

10:16 第一個,如果你想說「我的弱點就是我很難拒絕別人,所以有時候可能會讓自己超負荷。」那英文可以這樣發揮:I find it hard to say no to people, so sometimes I end up taking on more tasks than I should.

  • End up__: 最後落到什麼下場
  • Take on__: 承擔、扛起某些任務

10:44 第二個如果你的弱點是比較難信任別人的工作能力之類的,可以這樣修飾:I sometimes find it difficult to delegate responsiblities to my teammates. 這句話就是在說:有時候,我會很難妥協去分派一些工作給同仁分擔,那這種比較傾向於自己扛的現象,可能是因為你不容易信任人,也可能是因為你是好好先生,所以後續要再多做說明喔。

  • Delegate: 分派、委託

11:22 再來,如果想說你的弱點是「你比較敏感」,那記得要先給一個特定的場景,然後可以說:I tend to take criticism personally. 就是我比較容易覺得別人對我的批評指教都是很針對性的。一樣是一個很專一的說明喔,不要直接說 I’m sensitive.

11:46 好,以上就是另外提供幾個想法給你參考,其他像是,我在某些情況下可能比較沒耐心、我比較受不了要遵守繁瑣的規矩啊等等,都可以發揮哦!當然,還是要從你自身的經驗去發想會比較好。只要不要說一些很表面、沒辦法舉證的東西就好。So, 希望提供給你的這兩個模板是有幫助的!如果你對這堂課有任何問題和建議,都可以留言和我說哦!

在下一集的課程裡,我們會來解析要如何回答 ”Where do you see yourself in 3 to 5 years?” 「你覺得三到五年後的自己會在哪裡?」建議你在聽課前試著自己構想一下答案,聽解析的時候,會更有概念哦!That’s it for this class, hope you enjoyed it! See you next class!




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